- March edition -

News & Updates from the Diocese



DISPATCHES is our monthly update that seeks to keep you advised of news, developments, and resources that support our shared priorities and initiatives across the diocese.

We’ve updated our priorities in 2024 to include: Youth & Family Ministry, Leadership Development & Clergy Care, Global Mission, and the Reawakening of New England.





Reawakening Conference 2024

October 18-19, 2024
Newburyport, MA

• Plenary sessions on both Friday and Saturday
• Sung worship led by NYC worship pastor/coach Dave Edwards with musicians from across our diocese
• Valuable equipping workshops on various topics
• Celebration of Holy Eucharist
• Opportunity to connect with other leaders across New England
• Track for TEENS available
• More features announced soon…



NEW Location for Reawakening 2024!!!

The Reawakening team is very excited to announce that this October 18-19 we will gather together for our annual conference at our new location: Hope Community Church in Newburyport, MA!  We are grateful for our years at Northpoint Bible College, but you may have noticed this past fall at Reawakening things began to feel a little tight.  That is a result of the conference growing each year, which is a great problem to have!  Hope Community Church has the space and facilities that will allow Reawakening to continue to grow in 2024 and into the future.  Hope’s sanctuary is spacious and airy.  They have multiple classrooms for workshops, a great space for meals and our expanded art show this year, as well as a massive gym and nursery room for the expansion of our youth offerings. 

We want this conference to be a source of encouragement not only for our clergy and leaders, but for all members of ADNE congregations.  We also want it to be a touchstone for interested people to come and see what we are about in the ADNE.  We encourage you to use the Reawakening Conference to that end…make it an outreach tool by inviting new friends to come.  In addition to all of this goodness, the new location gives us a chance to partner with another local church that is committed to sharing the gospel here in New England.  Increasing partnerships like this are what we need to achieve our long-term goal of seeing the Reawakening of New England, the Northeast, and beyond.  We can’t wait to see you there!!!


2024 Reawakening Conference Theme

Growth is the theme all around this year! In addition to our growth into a new space, our focus this year will be “Growing in the Gospel.” 

As my Old Testament professor, Dr. Erika Moore (recently retired from Trinity School for Ministry), used to say in class, “We never move on from the Cross, we move deeper into it.”  That’s what we are about here in the ADNE: growing deeper and deeper into the world-altering reality of our Lord Jesus’ death and resurrection, and proclaiming Him so that “an exhausted and divided world hears and experience the relentless, inexhaustible love, grace, and mercy of God the Father for them in Jesus through the healing power of the Holy Spirit.” (ADNE Vision Statement)


This year, we have chosen this painting by the Rev. Kate Norris as the inspiration for our style and theme.

Introducing the 2024 Conference Plenary Speaker!

We are so excited to have The Rev. Ethan Magness as our plenary speaker this year!   

Ethan is the founding rector of Grace Anglican Church in Grove City, PA. Ethan is married to Monique, and they have three daughters - Cora, Ella, and Avelina.  Grace Church began in 2006 a few weeks before Ethan was ordained, and has developed into a multi-staff parish within the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh with about 275 residents and 275 undergraduate students from local colleges.  Grace has also planted another church in the neighboring town of Franklin, PA. The center of Ethan's ministry and Grace Church's emphasis is the Gospel of Jesus's absolution. In his spare time, Ethan likes to paint, draw, write poetry, cook Indian food, and watch The Office.

The Rev. Kate Norris said, “Ethan is easily one of the best preachers I have ever heard.  He has been a backbone in the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh successfully planting his church and planting new churches out his plant.  Showing that when you give the gospel first all this life comes from it.”

You can check out some of Ethan’s sermons at Grace’s website: https://graceanglicanonline.com/


Expanded multi-disciplinary Art Show in 2024!

“Out of Season”

In 2 Timothy Paul encourages Timothy to “preach the word in season and out of season” (4:2). If you shop at farm stands, you’ll know that being “in season” is a short period of time given the whole year.  How does God work in the out-of-season time… which is most of our time? In song, poetry, and visual art these artists have meditated on how God reveals the grace of Jesus out of season.

If you would like to participate in the show, contact The Rev. Kate Norris – kate@dandelionministries.org


 Workshop Application

This year we have some exciting workshops lined up, but we have reserved some spots to feature you and what the Lord has been doing around the ADNE. If you have a workshop in mind please fill out this application, and we will contact you. Thank you!




Second Annual Vestry Day Equips and Encourages Leaders

Vestry members from across the diocese gathered at All Saints Cathedral in Amesbury Saturday, March 9th for the second-annual ADNE Vestry Day. Canon Ross Kimball along with Josh Vanada led a full day of discussion and fellowship about the roles of the rector and vestry. The day began by working through a case study. It was a lively discussion with vestry members asking thoughtful questions and challenging how things could be done differently. The discussion provided a great framework for the rest of the day.

Bishop Drew joined everyone for lunch and then shared the renewed vision, mission, values, and priorities for the Diocese.

The day continued with Canon Ross and Josh clarifying the roles of vestry, rector, and sharing 10 things they wish they would have known before they started on vestries. They talked about how to have healthy conflict, model good leadership, and be the non-anxious presence in the world.

The day concluded with a celebration of the Eucharist. During the service, Bishop Drew preached a homily on the calming of the storm from the Gospel of Mark, in which he encouraged vestry members to remember that Jesus is with them and for them in all things, and, as a result, we can lean on him for all things. During the Eucharist, Kathryn Miller led everyone in song while Bishop Drew and Elena offered private prayer.

Bishop Drew reflected on the day, saying, “this was another excellent warden and vestry equipping event. The importance of the role that wardens and vestries play in the outworking of Jesus’ mission across the diocese, including the health of the local church and in support of our clergy, is deeply significant. As a diocese, we are committed to getting behind their calling and in supporting them with ongoing excellence in training, equipping, and ministering to our wardens and vestry members.  I would encourage all of our wardens and vestries to take up our offer. All who came to this event left inspired and encouraged – and that certainly included me.”


Last Call to join a Discounted COURSE ON DEVELOPING LEADERS

The ADNE is intending to offer a course on “Developing and Leading Other Leaders” in partnership with Fullwell, an accredited coaching organization. The class is intended for our clergy and would run from mid-April through mid-June. The cost of the course is $200 and the ADNE is offering a $100 scholarship for each of its clergy participants. Here is a more detailed overview of this opportunity:

    • 8 week course (1.5 hours a week / 12 hours total) plus reading

    • Reading 1 article per course

    • 6 weeks of asynchronous engagement

    • 2 weeks synchronous with facilitated live application discussions with a cohort and a certified leadership coach

    • Online interactive activities include videos, readings, forums, and application discussions.

Anyone interested in learning more or signing up should email josh.vanada@adne.org


Register Early for this year’s Missional Planning Summit!

Thursday/Friday, June 13-14 | Amesbury, MA

This annual summit is mandatory for rectors of ADNE churches along with those core clergy or lay leaders involved in each church's 12-month missional plan. These have been such a powerful time of Spirit-led vision, collaboration, mutual support, and prayer.

Register before May and save $30 off the $129 standard registration fee!



Leadership Updates

We’re very pleased to share some organizational happenings within ADNE.

  • Kathryn Miller, who has been serving as our Conference Coordinator, will now be expanding her role to include coordinating all of our Diocesan Operations. Kathryn has a proven track record within our community and shares God's heart for New England. There is no question that her gifts will help the Diocese become more effective in our shared mission. Kathryn is also on the staff team at Imago Dei Anglican Church in Maine. One important role that now falls to Kathryn is to be the keeper of the calendar, so reach out to her if you have any questions about ADNE’s events such as episcopal visits or to schedule a meeting with Bishop Andrew. 

  • Elena Williams, who has been faithfully serving as our Diocesan Administrator, will now be leading our development efforts and equipping, training, and leading the Diocese in prayer ministry. Elena has been quietly coordinating our development efforts which have seen three consecutive years of increase, but will now have more time to devote to helping the Diocese to live into the fullness of God's call. She is also already at work in building a team of intercessors and organizing the Floodgate Pilgrimage.

  • Rita Rees was recently elected to the Standing Committee and will be succeeding Gail Gardner as our Treasurer. Gail had expressed her desire to retire, and the Lord providentially brought Rita into a meeting with me. From there, we had several meetings and we all prayerfully discerned that Rita would be a great fit for the ADNE team. She worships with her husband at Andover Community Church in New Hampshire.

We are grateful to the Lord for the team that He is building to continue to provide the support, resources, and leadership for you to boldly and faithfully serve in your local communities.




The Floodgate Pilgrimage

This year, up and down New England (and the greater parts of New England that include Delaware, Long Island and Albany) our churches will be coming together in a seven-month prayer pilgrimage that will culminate at the 2024 Reawakening Conference. Bishop Andrew commented, “I have a very strong conviction that the Lord is asking us to come together in a deeper way to join with Him in His ongoing prayers for the reawakening of the Northeast.”  

Elena Williams and Leah Maina will be working with our clergy and a team of intercessors from across the diocese to make this bold vision a reality. Bishop Andrew has commissioned the artist, woodworker and custom furniture designer, Mark Denison (worshipping with St. Timothy’s, Burlington, Vermont) to create a Cross that will pass from church to church in the next seven months. Elena Williams explained, “Rather like the Olympic torch – when the Floodgate Pilgrimage Cross reaches your church the invitation will be to plan a time of prayer for your church, your community and the reawakening of the Northeast of America as the Holy Spirit leads. This could be anything from a small group of intercessors gathering in someone’s house to pray for an hour one evening or a weekend long prayer event that offers teaching, times of personal prayer and church wide intercession.”

We are currently working on a pilgrimage route that will allow the Cross to travel from church to church across all the states in which we are situated but would love to hear from you if you have a desire to have the Floodgate Pilgrimage Cross reach your church at a particular time.

Elena Williams writes, “Leah and I will be contacting Rectors after Easter and are happy to meet with you or anyone on your prayer team to help you plan your prayer event. We will be providing suggestions for intercessory topics and a liturgical framework but we are also hoping each church will bring their own gifts and creativity. Our desire is that as the Floodgate Pilgrimage Cross moves across the region, our collective prayers will cascade into one another as we listen together for common themes in the leading of the Holy Spirit.”

Lord, open the floodgates of heaven and pour out your Holy Spirit across the northeast.

For further information, please contact:

Elena Williams elena.williams@adne.org
Leah Maina  floodgateprayer@adne.org




Kids Summer Camp

As families start to make plans for the summer, we encourage you to look into and share information about China Lake Camp (China, Maine) with families at your church! Kids Camp is July 14-19, 2024 and is open to ages 8-12.

You are invited to join us this summer for kids camp in China, Maine! This camp will include camp games, sports, crafts, and waterfront activities for ages 8-12. Rev. Canon Craig Vickerman will be the main speaker for the week and we would love to have families from around the diocese join in on the fun!


Two FAmily Resources for Palm Sunday & Easter

The King Comes

This Palm Sunday resource from the Family Leadership Network. This resource is designed to be used with kids of different ages in a group lesson, but could also be used as a family. Click here.

The Liturgical Home (Easter)

This book by Ashley Tumlin Wallace gives practical ways for families to celebrate the season of Easter in their homes! Click here.


Praise God, we have a full house for the upcoming retreat April 5-7! Let’s join in prayer as a diocese for the students attending, their parish leaders, and Revs. Sean & Kate Norris who are serving as the main speakers for the retreat. For any questions, contact Anna Burden.




The Ten “Commandments”

- The Rev. Len Cowan, Abbot of The Abbey of the Way

With this year's Presidential election cycle underway, and the two candidates now established, we can certainly expect increasing tension and contention between the parties and perspectives around us and in us. There will be vile and perhaps violent words and actions that will be committed in promoting the competing sides.

Though each of us may have our particular take on these matters, perhaps informed by God's Word, we believers in Jesus Christ must not allow ourselves to be taken in by the demonic party spirit that seeks to capture us and neutralize our life and witness in Christ. There are powerful, consumer-driven, communication “angels of enlightenment” ready to influence us to believe, promote, and surrender ourselves and our substance to many causes, and especially the political. We must resist them, firm in our faith, such that we can follow God into these arenas with His Mercy, Truth, and Presence. Our motto should be, “For Christ and His Kingdom”.

An excellent guide for this season is found in the ten "commandments" which came out of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. At that time, Birmingham Alabama was described as the most segregated city in America. When blacks in the city began to call for their civil rights, 50 of their homes were bombed, such that the city was called “Bombingham”. Out of this contentious situation, the Movement, and the commandments, were born in 1963. Note how they address both the outward life, and the inward life which drives it.

“I hereby pledge myself—my person and body—to the nonviolent movement, and therefore I will keep the following ten commandments!”

  • MEDITATE daily on the teachings and life of Jesus.

  • REMEMBER always that the nonviolent movement seeks justice and reconciliation—not victory.

  • WALK and TALK in the manner of love, for God is love.

  • PRAY daily to be used by God in order that all might be free.

  • SACRIFICE personal wishes in order that all might be free.

  • OBSERVE with both friend and foe the ordinary rules of courtesy.

  • SEEK to perform regular service for others and for the world.

  • REFRAIN from the violence of fist, tongue, or heart.

  • STRIVE to be in good spiritual and bodily health.

  • FOLLOW the directions of the movement and of the captain on a demonstration.

Fr. Len Cowan is the Abbott at Abbey of the Way in Worcester, MA

May God give us Grace in these days to follow the Direction of The Holy Spirit and The Captain of our salvation, such that we follow, promote, and demonstrate His Peace and Righteousness which, in Christ Jesus, have kissed each other.

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.


Books for Holy Week

Reliving the Passion: Meditations on the Suffering, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus by Walter Wangerin, Jr. As only a great storyteller can do, Wangerin brings the Passion of Jesus, as told in the gospel of Mark, to life as we walk with our Lord to Easter.

The Seven Last Words from the Cross by Fleming Rutledge. One of the great preachers of our time shares seven meditations for Good Friday.

The Scriptures, the Cross and the Power of God by N.T. Wright. Wright presents nine meditations on the Scriptures for Holy Week, from Passion Sunday through the Easter Vigil.

Easter with John Donne by the Rev. Cn. Tim Clayton. Cn. Tim serves as rector of Trinity North Shore in our diocese.


Featured Around the Diocese


Where’s the News? Changes to the dispatches format

As our diocese continues to grow more intentionally into our shared priorities, and as our local churches and leaders continue to grow in missional innovation, we are finding that our monthly Dispatches editions are becoming undigestably large. What a great problem to have!

To improve our communication so Dispatches remains an effective resource, we are dividing Dispatches into two monthly emails: one will be a roundup of good news and stories from around our region; the second email will feature articles, events, and resources related to the core priorities just like this edition has done.

April 11th is our next “News” edition (name TBD) with April 25th being our next “priorities-focused” edition.

Collecting Stories

If you have a story from your local church or parish for us to feature, please reach out to Scott at communications@adne.org. While stories don’t need to be polished, jaw-dropping tales of wild successes, they should be tied in some way to the shared values of the diocese - stories of new ministries, missional innovation, milestone celebrations, youth ministry wins, community & arts engagement, etc.

In addition, we would love to feature a photo roundup of Holy Week & Easter services from around the diocese. Send a few of your best photos to communications@adne.org

From the Archbishop…

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Lenten greetings in the Name of Christ Jesus our Savior and only Lord!!
I am writing to you to ask that you join me in a Season of Prayer as we enter into an important time in the life of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA). As you may know, my second term as the Archbishop and Primate of the ACNA will end this coming June.  The College of Bishops will meet in Conclave beginning on June 20th at St. Vincent’s Archabbey in Latrobe, Pennsylvania to seek the Lord and select our new Archbishop.  This will be followed by our Provincial Assembly (June 26-28), our ACNA family gathering, at the conclusion of which our new Archbishop will begin his term.
Beginning with the Season of Easter starting March 31st and continuing through Pentecost until June 20th, I am calling on the members of the ACNA to set aside each Wednesday or Friday (or both) to spend time in prayer (and fasting for those who are able), while also adding a petition in each Sunday’s Prayers of the People, for the bishops as we seek the Lord for my successor.  I am asking each member, rector, pastor, bishop, priest, deacon, prayer group, Bible Study, and intercessor in the Province to make this a priority starting Easter Sunday.
We know that God responds to the prayers of his people (Mt.7:7,8, James 5:16, Eph. 3:20, 21, Jer.33:3), and we all desire that the bishops hear from the Lord when we gather in Conclave.  The ACNA and the College of Bishops have made it a point not to have campaigning and political postering as part of this process. Rather, we will be seeking to hear from the Lord as to whom He has anointed for this next season of the Church.
As the Lord said to the prophet Jeremiah: “Call unto me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things which you do not know.” (Jer.33:3)

Your brother in Christ,

The Most Rev. Dr. Foley Beach
Archbishop and Primate, Anglican Church in North America


 + + +

May God the Holy Spirit make us steadfast in faith, joyful in hope and constant in love.