
We are reimagining what a diocese looks like for a post-Christian culture, and what we know is that it needs to look something like the original missionary push among the pre-Christian tribes of Great Britain between the 3rd and 7th centuries AD. For them, the diocese was the engine for mission. 

A diocese (a family of congregations under the oversight of a Bishop) was birthed from church planting activity and continued to exist for the purpose of maintaining the apostolic faith and godly order while sustaining a robust missional ethos among the masses who had never heard the Gospel of Jesus. 

We want to help you plant a church that multiplies more congregations or missional communities, while providing oversight and ongoing support.  We believe in the exponential and spontaneous expansion of the church working in the way that yeast works through a lump of dough.  Our institutions need to be shaped to breed this kind we believe we’ll see thousands of new congregation and missional communities multiplied across New England. 

In order to see this vision become reality, we have developed a strategy to recruit, deploy, and train missional leaders to walk confidently as disciples who live like Jesus and do the works of Jesus.