New Vision, Strategy Emerges from Missional Planning Conference
Earlier this month, over 50 clergy and lay leaders from across New England gathered to dream, strategize, and collaborate together at the ADNE’s first Missional Planning Conference. This two-day event was offered for leading clergy of ADNE churches and missions along with 1-2 of their key assisting leaders to answer the two questions: what is God’s vision for the church He has called us to lead, and how shall we put His vision into action?
Attendees worshiping the first morning of the conference
Both days of the gathering began with morning prayer led by Rev. Eliud Mwangi and Rev. Christine Nakyeyune with musical worship led by the Rev. Cn. Justin Howard and Frank Albert, and devotional reflections from Bishop Andrew Williams.
The theme of joy was a particular emphasis for the conference, especially after the challenges of the last 16 months. In the context of Friday’s morning prayer, Bishop Andrew reflected on Isaiah 61:3 and Psalm 16:11, testifying to the desire of God to pour joy into us, and his invitation to “ask for joy, to look for it today - not tomorrow or when [things start getting better for us]; to seek joy where He has hidden it in the ordinary, allowing oneself to receive the gift of His joy in the fullness of His presence.” Joy was evident on the faces of those attending as old friends reconnected in person after 6-12 months of distanced or virtual connection, and nearly a dozen newcomers to the diocese within the last year established new relationships within the ADNE family.
At the core of the conference attendees gathered in four midsize groups to present their 12-month missional strategies, receive feedback, and discuss improvements. Groups were facilitated by the Rev. Canons Justin Howard and Brian Bethke and Revs Piper Runnion-Bareford and Drew Thurman. At times, individual churches took time to consider their “5-year dreams” or to assess their strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities before reporting back to share with their midsize group.
For Rev. Steve Hoskins, this conference was his first ADNE event since arriving from the diocese of the Rocky Mountains in 2020. He remarked, “I’ve been to many conferences on the topic of mission; the genius of this conference’s design was its balance - it was a great way to work together on our individual plans. Bishop Andrew’s direction and the guided breakouts provided helpful hands-on guidance without forcing a one-size-fits-all approach.”
Since we acknowledge that all of our plans and intentions are impossible without the empowering and sustaining presence of God’s Spirit, groups took time to pray prophetic promises, scripture passages, and prayers for strengthening, joy, and supernatural provision over each team and the congregations they represent.
Rev. Kate Norris sharing on the vision for Dandelion Ministries
When attendees came together for the main sessions, several newer ministries presented ways they have creatively engaged mission in their contexts. Revs. Sean and Kate Norris of Dandelion Ministries shared how engaging the arts have opened doors for mission in past settings in which they ministered, and how they hope to engage their new community on Long Island. Rev. Dan and Carrie Wolf and Jono Burke of Rise Church shared their recent success with Discovery Bible Groups involving new and unchurched connections in Portland, and how they hope to serve the community by running children’s summer sports camps.
As the conference came to a close, over two dozen missional plans arrayed with colorful paper representing potential collaboration surrounded the cathedral’s altar as Bishop Andrew celebrated the Holy Eucharist with Venerable Dorcas Albrecht assisting. As each attendee came up to receive the sacrament, they first declared what they were leaving behind (self-doubt, isolation, the status quo, etc.) and then declared what they were taking home from the retreat (renewed confidence, supportive relationships, faith for new possibilities, etc.)
Bishop Andrew celebrating Holy Eucharist surrounded by the Missional Plans
Drew Thurman who served as a midsize group facilitator reflected, "I walked away from these two days so utterly impressed with the ADNE and the people that make it up. I've gotten to work with a number of churches and networks on the topic of mission, and often have been discouraged as it turns into a conversation about being attractional. These days with the diocese were completely different, and I left inspired by the commitment to prayer, to the Spirit, and the desire to faithfully embody the Gospel in tangible ways."
The event was a resounding success thanks to the planning efforts of Rev. Lucy Albert, Elena Williams, and the team of group leaders. Attendees were nourished by meals and snacks prepared by Patty Champion.
In one year, these leaders will reassemble to debrief their missional plans and to look ahead to next steps.