News from the Diocese
In February 2012, a small collection of worshippers was preparing for the launch of a new church in the Greater Bangor region of eastern/central Maine. That church would be known as Imago Dei Anglican Church. Now thirteen years later, it is receiving a new name…
Bishop Drew is chairing the ACNA Music Task Force. This month the task force convened in Charleston. The hope is to provide the province with a digital tool offering churches across the ACNA worship music resources through the lens of the Sunday lectionary week by week.
We hosted a one-day training in communication and listening skills that have greatly blessed us in our marriage and other relationships. We use them to do our pre-marriage counseling: we teach these skills to the couple and then facilitate their active listening on all the key topics. We introduce these skills in our “Better than Wine: Building and Rebuilding Intimacy” Marriage conference. Last weekend, we were hosted by our friends at Anglican Church of the Redeemer, Franklin, MA (thank you Rev. Dan and Lisa Sylvia!) We dove in with a pilot group of couples. It is our hope to bring this workshop and/or the entire marriage conference to you one day!
Early in 2024, Redeemer Franklin embarked on a year-long project to prepare for Advent, which became known as The Isaiah Project. The initiative was designed as a study of the book of Isaiah and included the development of artistic responses created by many of the artists and creators at Redeemer. From the beginning, the vision for the project was a collaborative effort that would produce music, visual arts, prose, and drama—all culminating in a mid-Advent celebration of the coming of Christmas.
Over 30 individuals contributed to the project, which developed throughout the spring and summer before blossoming into the final presentation in December. Musically, the project was spearheaded by Isaiah Sylvia, Music Director at Redeemer, along with the Redeemer band members and some guest collaborators. Together, they created a six-song EP, all self-written and composed.
The joy of Christmas.
St. Paul's Anglican Church (formerly in Waltham, and now located at 9 Westminster Avenue, Arlington, MA) celebrated Christmas in a trinity form: three congregations came together to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ on Sunday, December 22.
Operation Sleigh Ride was formed in late 2024 as an effort to encourage families of children impacted by Hurricane Helene. To facilitate providing toys for 800 children, drop sites were set up all over the Northeast.
Saint Nicholas House, which describes itself as a house of hospitality and prayer, joined the efforts by choosing to have a community gift drop box on the front porch of their Brookline, NH house.
From the Province: Rise Church in Portland, Maine is an Anglican church merged from three congregations: what was formerly the Church of the Holy Spirit, a Sudanese church, and the newer, Rise Church. The physical church building, over 100 years old, is seeing new life breathed into it as God grows the church in unexpected ways.
See the original article from the ACNA here.
“There is nothing new under the sun”. By the time the wise Teacher in Ecclesiastes wrote this truth 3,000 years ago, so many kingdoms and dynasties had risen and fallen. Wars had been fought, work efforts had flourished and petered out, famines and plenty had come and gone. Peoples and nations lived in anxious times and in peace, in oppression and in freedom. Most had toiled under the hot sun. And the conclusion of it all? The Teacher in Ecclesiastes says “Fear God and keep his commandments.”
In the anxious times which many of us are experiencing right now, we can ”fear God” and see what happens. We can bend the knees of our hearts in reverence and adoration before the majesty of our loving God.
Can a Classical Concert Foster Encounter with the Divine, Break Down Barriers, and Plant New Seeds of God’s Kingdom?
Sarah pictured with Tiffany Fox, violin, and Jonathan McBeath, piano/organ
It was a warm summer day when I was contacted by a voice from the past: The Venerable Jerry Smith was my husband Steve’s professor and personal mentor in seminary at Trinity School for Ministry over 20 years ago and was now calling from the island country of Bermuda! He wanted to invite me to come to Bermuda to play a concert at the cathedral in the fall. I immediately said yes (who wouldn’t?) and started planning my repertoire.
As a classical musician, I am fully aware that classical music remains a niche medium in many places. It can be seen as esoteric, hard to “get into”, or just for the elite listener. For much of my professional life I have pushed hard against that, working with living composers, playing concerts in unusual venues, collaborating with dance companies or visual artists, all to try to bring what I believe can be a deeply moving experience to those who might otherwise not have the opportunity or think they “like” classical music.
Here is a selection of recommended resources from the Rev. Dr. Susie Skillen, Canon for Spiritual Formation
Bishop Drew commented, “I stand in awe of what Rev. Gabrielle and her church have done and are doing. In fervent prayer, love and humility they have played a central part in bringing the body of Christ together and in partnership with the city’s government in the activation of Jesus’ greater hope for Bridgeport. In prayer and in service they are bringing renewal. There is still much to be done - but there is undeniably beauty rising from the ashes. You can see it and feel it everywhere you look.
As nearly 300 clergy, leaders, church attendees, teens, children, and various friends of the diocese, gathered in Newburyport for the 2024 Reawakening Conference, Bishop Drew Williams welcomed the attendees by quoting Robert Capon “ thing we most needed even from the start, and certainly will need from here on out into the New Jerusalem: the ability to take our freedom seriously and act on it, to live not in fear of mistakes but in the knowledge that no mistake can hold a candle to the love that draws us home.”
It was the desire to return to this home-drawing, re-centering love that inspired theme of this year’s conference: Growing in the Gospel.
The ADNE recently celebrated two ordinations in late September and October at All Saints Church. The Rev. Celso Tavares was ordained to the diaconate, and the Rev. Jeff Wojcicki was ordained to the priesthood.
An art response to the sent-ness of Jesus
A rainy prayer walk that saw many meaningful interactions
A harvest festival for the community to make connections with people over games, desserts, and more
Learn how a Regional Reawakening helped Redeemer
Franklin recognize the Ones God brings into our lives.
There is a growing community of young adults at All Saints Church in Amesbury who increasingly believe that they are known and loved by the Triune God and, in turn, are enjoying a taste of the eternal life that the New Testament authors speak of. It is a community of young people who are walking in greater and greater freedom and wholeness and who are sharing this life in Christ with those around them. Over the last three years, the young adult population at All Saints has grown from five people to about thirty people. The Discipleship Cohort at All Saints has been at the center of the cultural transformation of the young adult community at All Saints. It has helped to cultivate a space to receive from God and one another and to walk in greater freedom and maturity.
On Sunday, September 29, Bishop Drew visited St. Luke’s Wayland for a special confirmation service led by the Rev. Christine Nakyeyune. The day will marked by celebrations and thanksgiving with a wonderful banquet and cake. Ven. Micheal Kafeero also attended with Bishop Andrew. At the end of the service Bishop Andrew was interviewed for St. Luke’s YouTube channel!
Ven. Michael Kafeero testifies to how the Lord opened doors for the congregation of St. Paul's and the goodness of a shared service in which they were warmly welcomed by Covenant Church in Arlington, MA. He also describes how St. Paul's hosted Anglican Youth Fellowship from Uganda!
St. Peter’s Winchester celebrated 18 years as a church on Sunday, September 15th
The whole family, every generation joined in worship, thanksgiving to God, and celebration for the last 18 years. Honored guests were Bishop Hannington, Provost Rebecca, and Canon Jonathon - all from Kampala! They were also joined by Ven. Dr. Alex Kasirye-Musoke (the founding Rector) to whom a special tribute was paid. Bishop Andrew was joined by ADNE’s Standing Committee Chairman Josh Vanada for the thanksgiving service and the lavish celebrations that followed.
Every year that we go on mission, the Lord amazes me with how he works and how he surprises us. No matter if we go with a plan or if we go with open hands waiting for the Lord to reveal his plan, the team always comes away in awe of His providence, his mercy, and his perfect timing...
Since the Floodgate Cross started its journey at the end of April in Burlington, VT, it has traveled over 2300 miles on its pilgrimage route across the northeast of America.
Featuring visits to Dandelion Ministries (NY), Church of the Apostles (Coventry, RI), Grace Anglican (Bridgewater, MA), Abbey of the Way (Worcester, MA), St. Pauls (Lawrence, MA), Emmaus Fellowship (Falmouth, MA) & Church of the Redeemer (Franklin, MA)!
Our earliest days and months at Saint Nicholas House were a time of holy imagination. Though we had few relationships in the community, little experience in agriculture, and a fairly run-down property, we could see what this place could become. We imagined a home where children—many children— would come and find joy and delight. Whether they came for worship or catechesis, for an after-school karate class, to work on the farm, or simply to visit the animals, they would experience some taste of God’s peace and presence. We imagined it as a child-scaled working model of the new creation. Fast forward to this summer. We hosted our third annual Farm Camp...
You may recall that - by the grace of God - St. Peter's Anglican Church was able to purchase a building in Winchester, MA last year… but that doesn’t mean worship must remain in the building! Every year, this congregation conducts a service outside the church walls and fills the day with sports activities, from races to various tournaments. The Rev. Amos Kimera, rector of St. Peter’s, explains why this annual event is special...
On Sunday, June 30, Fr. Ross Kimball was out of state, filling in for another ADNE clergy person. At 7:30 a.m., his cell phone rang... there had been a fire in the church during the early morning hours. Although the fire was limited to a closet area in the vestibule of the church and had been quickly extinguished, the fire chief determined that the building could not be occupied. What should we do about the worship service scheduled to begin in two hours and the ordination service scheduled for that afternoon?
Bishop Drew, Canon Leah Turner, and the Rev. Geoff Little will be returning to Uganda in August to join ADNE’s Ugandan Mission partner, Audrey Patra and members from her Love Unveiled team. Bishop Drew and the ADNE team are graciously invited by Archbishop Stephen Kaziimba of Uganda to speak and lead a conference for all the clergy of Kampala Diocese and some from the neighboring diocese.
The Floodgate Cross continued its pilgrimage across the northeast with its arrival at Incarnation Anglican Church in Manchester, NH. It then made its way to the Missional Planning Summit, before heading to our westernmost outposts in an emerging Albany archdeaconry in Western New York. It then traveled South to Bridgeport, CT and The Bridges community and across the sound to Long Island where the Revs. Sean and Kate Norris lead Dandelion Ministries.
The Rev. Jennifer Keifer was ordained to the sacred order of priests on Sunday, June 30 in Amesbury, MA at a sweet and powerful service officiated by Bishop Drew Williams, and attended by the Rev. Canon Tim Clayton, rector of Trinity North Shore (where Rev. Jen serves), the Rev. Martha Learned, and guest of honor, the Rev. Dr. David Currie.
Provincial Assembly gathered clergy and lay delegates from across our North American province and beyond! It was truly a monumental occasion, not only celebrating the life of our Province, but also seeing a transfer of ecclesiastical authority - from the Most Rev. Foley Beach, second archbishop of the ACNA, to the Most Rev. Steve Wood, sitting Bishop of the Carolinas, who is to lead our churches forward on the firm foundation built by his predecessors.
Read about our delegates, who received an award, and learn about Archbishop Steve!
This June saw rectors and leaders from Maine to Delaware, Albany to the Massachusetts Cape - truly the length and breadth of New England - set aside two days to worship, identify God’s vision for their parishes, list some attainable goals and next steps, and encourage one another through discussion and prayer.
ADNE’s East Africa ambassador, Audrey Patra, now brings us exciting news. Earlier this year, Audrey hosted a church meeting with all the Kibugu community leadership and together, they agreed on a plan of action. The dense, rocky terrain makes this a difficult place in which to sink a well (as the ADNE was able to do in 2023 in Kabuwoku, Uganda). Instead, the Kibugu leadership were united in their agreement to install a large-scale water harvesting project that collects and safely stores rainwater from rooftops in the wet season.
In June, Bishop Drew visited All Nations Church as well as the graduation ceremony for students of All Nations Christian Academy, both led by the Rev. Geoff and Blanca Little in New Haven, CT.
At around 7:00 a.m. on the Sunday that Bishop Drew visited All Nations, he received a message from Audrey Patra in Uganda. The next phase of the water harvesting project had been completed in the community in West Uganda! This new phase was made possible by All Nations Church whose financial support provided fresh water to the local elementary school and church in this region.