Ordination of Rev. Gayle Heaslip to the Priesthood



A beautifully restored, 17th-century barn on the Cape was the intimate and Spirit-filled setting for Reverend Gayle Heaslip’s Ordination as Priest on Wednesday 15th January. Bishop Andrew (the ordaining Bishop) commented that there was a great Biblical pattern of this being exactly the kind of environment in which Jesus delights to be present. “When I look around this crowded room, on a cold Wednesday evening, all of us here to give glory to God, enjoy His presence and celebrate and give public witness to the Lord’s calling upon Gayle’s life – we have to stop and acknowledge that something special is happening here: God is moving.”

Preaching from St. Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus, Bishop Andrew said, “Paul’s letter makes a dramatic gearshift. He turns this passionate exposition to passionate exhortation, from “astounding theology” to “down to earth, concrete implications for every-day living.” He says, “I beg you, to live a life worthy of the calling you receive.” (Ephesians 4:1) What could that possibly be? He tells us, “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” (Ephesians 4:3)


The “unity” that Paul is talking about is not just each of us pretending or even attempting to get along with each other a little bit better. It is the “unity” that is at the heart of the Godhead; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is this perichoresis – this unity that is the perfection and holy essence of love itself. And when you lay it all out, it is pretty obvious that this is absolutely impossible for us to accomplish by our own willpower.

Yet the power that Jesus has to love is also available to us that we may be transformed and love others out of His love. That’s the only way we can seek to be worthy of the calling we have received.

Reverend Gayle’s church family, Emmaus Anglican Fellowship, gave moving testimony to the anointing upon her life as a loving, wise, and committed shepherd of the flock – a priest in whom the gifts and power of the Spirit flow freely.
