Bishop Andrew addresses Annual United Nations prayer breakfast

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Bishop Andrew addressed members of the United Nations this week at the United Nation’s annual Prayer Breakfast on September 15 as the United Nations celebrated seventy-five years of global service.

The President-elect of the General Assembly, Volkan Bozkır, was in attendance and speaking, together with The Secretary General, António Guterres and the US Ambassador Kelly Craft who was confirmed by the United States Senate on July 31, 2019 (all pictured below left to right). Bishop Andrew was introduced by Hungarian Ambassador, Her Excellency Katalin Bogyay. Bishop Andrew commented, “It was a great honor to be with the UN delegates in December 2019 at their annual Christmas Dinner, hosted by the Christian Embassy. I was delighted that they invited me back!”


Given the current climate, the Prayer Breakfast was virtually relayed to heads of state, ambassadors, and diplomats from all around the world. Bishop Andrew was able to film his message ahead of time with the expertise of Michael and Amber Pritzl.

“It is always better to be there in person, but I really applaud the Christian Embassy for their creativity and perseverance. I understand that this particular prayer breakfast is proving to be one of the most widely attended in the history of UN Prayer Breakfasts.”


At the UN Christmas Dinner last year many of the Ambassadors and Diplomats subscribed to Bishop Andrew’s daily devotional series, Watchwords. The Bishop added, “I am extremely humbled that in the unrelenting and demanding nature of their work, they are able to find a moment, pause and read. I am committed to praying for them.”

Bishop Andrew spoke on Mark 4:35-41 where we discover the Disciples rowing out across the lake to find themselves in a fierce storm and Jesus brings peace in the storm and lands them safely to the other side. Following the breakfast, every delegate asked for a transcript.

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On January 1, 2016, The United Nations pledged to 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. These goals were adopted by world leaders in September 2015 at an historic UN Summit.

The Bishop remarked, “In the face of the storm of a global pandemic and when racial tensions are running high, The United Nations have been undaunted in facing head on some of the greatest global challenges, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. Their sustained commitment and passion are such that no one gets left behind. In a global coalition of peace, sustainability and justice, they are storming the strongholds of injustice, poverty, violence and destruction as carriers of God’s greater restoration movement. They need our prayers.”

The United Nations Prayer breakfast is available to watch below: