Reawakening 2024: Growing in the Gospel
As nearly 300 clergy, leaders, church attendees, teens, children, and various friends of the diocese, gathered in Newburyport for the 2024 Reawakening Conference, Bishop Drew Williams welcomed the attendees in the program guide by quoting Robert Capon “ thing we most needed even from the start, and certainly will need from here on out into the New Jerusalem: the ability to take our freedom seriously and act on it, to live not in fear of mistakes but in the knowledge that no mistake can hold a candle to the love that draws us home.”
It was the desire to return to this home-drawing, re-centering love that inspired theme of this year’s conference: Growing in the Gospel. As the ADNE has stepped out to break new ground in 2024…
in holding three Regional Reawakenings this year, each one engaging a local community in evangelistic mission.
In launching a weekly cohort for preachers, to find the gospel word in each week’s lectionary texts.
In intentionally growing a community of artists who use their gifts to reflect the gospel message
… it is clear this is a key theme for this moment in our diocesan life: as we’ve grown in number this year (16% increase), are we growing in the most important ways? How are we growing in the Gospel?
Bishop Andrew set the stage for this deep dive into gospel-centrality in the opening eucharist on Friday morning by preaching from Jeremiah 32:36-41, Psalm 147, Philippians 2:12-18, and Matthew 10:27-31 – all texts that refer to the “fear of the Lord.” He addressed a false dichotomy we can all easily adopt that pits “ the fear of God” against the love of God. Bishop Drew clearly reframed the fear of God as a gracious gift from the Lord he gives out of his love for us.
The worship team, led by Dave Edwards and a number of ADNE musicians kept us focused on the gospel with songs like, “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty,” “In Christ Alone,” “Goodness of God,” and “Living Hope.” Friday’s Eucharist was also just so smoothly conducted thanks to the Rev. Samuel Alberty and the Rev. Josh Eipper who planned the setup and assisted Bishop Drew at the Table.
The switch from a closing eucharist to an opening eucharist was incredibly well received. Vivian Bouffard reflected, “The times of worship were all wonderful, but especially the opening eucharist. It was like a little experience of eternity, no rushing, no anticipating the next thing, just being in a worship experience.” At the conclusion of the Eucharist, Gail Gardner was presented with the Bishop’s Award for Lifetime Service Award given for 15 years of faithful service as the ADNE’s Treasurer.
The ADNE was so blessed to welcome the Rev. Ethan Magness to be our plenary speaker throughout the weekend. Ethan’s messages were encouraging and convicting: how is our preaching, our church’s vision, the way we raise up leaders - how is that informed by the gospel and cleary articulates the gospel? A plenary discussion on exegesis that included the Rev. Ethan, Bishop Drew, and the Rev. Kate Norris gave those present a framework for approaching texts for which a gospel-connection might not be obvious. Rev. Ethan continued to build on gospel pre-eminance in preaching in his afternoon session. (see below for videos of his sessions!)
On Friday evening, the Reawakening Conference shifted from the plenary sessions to an arts banquet. After dinner while attendees enjoyed an assortment of dessert pies, over a dozen poets, songwriters, writers, musicians - even a choir - shared their gifts with those gathered. It was a rich time of beauty as their performing art joined visual arts that lined the walls: an exhibit of paintings, sculpture, drawings, collage, photography, written word, and fabric art that testified to St. Paul’s charge to preach the word… “out of season.” Another visual arts display from ADNE teens was also featured; they were invited over the summer to reflect on the work Awake (from “Awake O sleeper and Christ will shine on you” in Ephesians 5) and to submit art for the Reawakening teen t-shirt design. The Rev. Kate Norris, whose art served as the visual theme for the conference, did all the organizing work to bring the arts into such a prominent place. The Rev. Piper Loveless reflected on the richness of our time together, saying, “I love when we gather as a Diocese, as it is a beautiful reflection of the diversity of gifts that the Lord has given us. It is amazing to see and experience the Gospel through the stories, testimonies, and presence of our lay people, especially the youth and children.”
Another clergy person wrote, “The arts night allowed me to see the breadth and depth of God's moving throughout the people in the Diocese. It was so well curated by Rev. Kate.”
Following that feast, the conference re-oriented again, this time toward prayer. The Floodgate Cross, which has traveled over 3,000 miles across the length and breadth of New England inspiring prayer for the Northeast, finished its pilgrimage at Reawaking in a time of celebration and worship. Elena Williams and Bishop Drew led the room in a time of powerful intercession, the conference praying with fervancy for revival in the Northeast, and for the lost, the addicted, and children in particular, to be saved.
On Saturday morning, the venue was abuzz with new attendees arriving for the day thanks to a new flexible registration model this year, and the day kicked off with Morning Prayer and another excellent plenary session with Rev. Ethan. Then followed two workshop sessions - this year we featured 8 different workshops on a number of themes that tied into our diocesan values.
This year, the children’s program saw an incredible turnout, nearly testing the space’s capacity. Children played games and did meaningful activities, thanks to the good planning of the Rev. Craig and Anna Vickerman. The teen track was another record turnout with over 20 teens attending sessions led by Bishop Drew, the Rev. Piper Loveless, Beth Hubbard, and more. One leader wrote, “I loved the young people and their willingness to participate and engage! It is a lot to pack into a short amount of time, but I thought each piece built on each other and was received well.”
Hannah Davis, a first-time lay attendee praised the intentionality of the conference as it relates to ADNE values, saying, “I believe the conference touched on every value we have. The way people jumped in to serve, the testimonies, the worship. Everything seemed to touch these values throughout the weekend.”
On Saturday afternoon, the conference drew to a close, ending with a final plenary session, sung worship, and a service of “sending.” Attendees came forward to be anointed with oil and blessed with the charge to go out and preach the gospel in their lives.
One final gift of the conference was a song written by the Reawakening worship team earlier in the year. Based on Ephesians 5, the chorus is a prophetic anthem we sing over New England:
Awake O sleeper, rise up from the grave, Christ will shine on you
Out of darkness into his radiance, Christ will shine on you.
Check out this music video produced by Noah Sylvia!
It’s our prayer that the Reawakening Conference is not a mere moment in time that comes and goes, but a beginning… that from this gathering, we would see a ripple-effect across the Northeast as people - church members, children, teens, clergy, all our churches continue growing in the Gospel, preaching the Gospel, sharing the Gospel, believing the Gospel is the power of God for the Reawakeing of New England.
Many thanks to our videographer, Hap of Heathland Creative, for the session videos and the Floodgate Cross video, and to Ian Drummond, our photographer.
Note: on November 15 some videos may still have a processing status on Youtube. Check back soon!