The ADNE at Provincial Assembly


Provincial Assembly gathered clergy and lay delegates from across our North American province and beyond! It was truly a monumental occasion, not only celebrating the live of our Province, but seeing a transfer of ecclesiastical authority - from the Most Rev. Foley Beach, second archbishop of the ACNA, to the Most Rev. Steve Wood, sitting Bishop of the Carolinas, who is to lead our churches forward on the firm foundation built by his two predecessors.

In addition to Bishop Drew, who attended the assembly and the College of Bishops’ Conclave in the days before, the Anglican Diocese in New England was represented by the Rev. Canon Ross Kimball, the Rev. Canon Leah Turner, the Rev. Canon Dan Sylvia, the Rev. Eluid Mwangi, and Mr. Josh Vanada.

Rev. Eliud Mwangi, Rev. Cn. Leah Turner, and Bishop Drew gave a teaching at a breakout session related to our Global Mission priority. The Bishop commented, “I have to say, I was so proud of Leah and Eliud. They spoke so well on all our behalves and they are each doing great things. Their collective testimony tells a powerful story of a Global movement of God’s Spirit through the ADNE. It was a gift to share the story. When you are so working so closely within our history it is easy to get lost in all the details. It was a huge blessing to have the opportunity to stand back, lift our heads and see how far the Spirit has led us.”

The Rev. Cn. Leah was also awarded the Archbishop’s Excellent Ministry Award for for her work in leading the province's Every Tribe and Nation Initiative!

ETNI exists to build a network of people from all nations through relationships, respect, and resources across ethnic, national, and regional lines for the release of leadership into the next generation.

The culmination of Provincial Assembly was the transfer of ecclesiastical authority to the Most Rev. Steve Wood, elected to be Archbishop and Primate of North America. Here’s what Bishop Drew said regarding Archbishop Steve’s character and leadership:

"I give great thanks to God for the Spirit-led and prayerful election in which Archbishop-elect Steve Wood has been discerned to be the next primate for the Anglican Church in North America. The Lord has promised to command His blessing in unity and He is faithful in His promise. Archbishop Steve has served God faithfully in the formation of the ACNA and as a diocesan Bishop.

His leadership has already been distinguished by a deep love of Jesus, godly courage and faithfulness, and a profound passion to share the Good News of the Gospel with those who do not yet know Him.

Like his predecessors, Archbishop Bob Duncan and Archbishop Foley Beach, in Archbishop Steve, the Lord has again chosen for us a man He can trust, a man we can unite around as we seek to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to an exhausted and divided world. Let us all commit to uphold Archbishop Steve in our prayers."

To introduce Archbishop Steve better, here are two videos from Provincial Assembly: one on a conversation with Archbishop Steve and his wife, Jacqueline, and another video of Archbishop’s Steve’s sermon at the Closing Eucharist.

Lastly, the Province celebrated all the churches that were bought, built, or significantly renovated since the founding of the ACNA. The ADNE was blessed to have eight churches represented in the celebration video!

O God, by your grace you have called us in this Province to be a good and godly fellowship of faith. Bless our Bishops, and other clergy, and all our people. Grant that your Word may be truly preached and truly heard, your Sacraments faithfully administered and faithfully received. By your Spirit, fashion our lives according to the example of your Son, and grant that we may show the power of your love to all among whom we live; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.