Virtual VBS a Resounding Success for St. John's Sutton


Vacation Bible School always involves a great deal of organization, creativity and energy from the leaders.  This year was no different at St. John’s Anglican Church in Sutton, MA – except it was.  Faced with the inability to bring the children together in one space due to Covid considerations, St. John’s organized and conducted a very successful virtual VBS via Zoom over August 17-22 this past summer.

St. John’s children’s ministry staff and several of its college-aged parishioners volunteered to staff the program, which was held by Zoom from 6:00 to 7:00 each evening.  The theme of the week, based on Proverbs 22:6, was “The Hidden Treasure.”  Despite the inability to gather in person, a total of 72 children from St. John’s and other communities (some from as far away as Texas and Washington state) participated!  St. John’s Rector, Rev. Eliud Mwangi, and his wife, or VBS “Queen,” Mama Leah, also participated throughout the entire week.  Rev. Eliud presented the memory scripture verse and prayed for the children at the end of each day, and Mama Leah led the children in prayer.   

Mary Sutton, a member of ADNE and a regional representative for Scripture Union, has been helping St. John’s with its Sunday School program for children over the past year.  When it came time to offer VBS in the summer, Mary stepped up to provide materials and tech support to make it all possible.  On the first and last days of the program, Mary was able to have the President of Scripture Union address the children. 

Was this VBS successful?  Well, let’s just say that the children’s parents have asked St. John’s to run it four times a year!  Rev. Eliud recommends that we all run VBS in our churches.

– written by Rev. Canon Ross Kimball