Bishop Drew Chairing ACNA Music Task Force


Bishop Drew is chairing the ACNA Music Task Force. This month the task force convened in Charleston. The hope is to provide the province with a digital tool offering churches across the ACNA worship music resources through the lens of the Sunday lectionary week by week.

Bishop Drew commented, “Essentially what we are going for here is a worship site that provides lectionary and seasonally-related worship music in multiple formats that can serve a one-person worship leader with say a piano or guitar to a well-staffed worship director in a larger church with a choir and organ. Out of this work will come an ACNA hymnal - but this online worship tool is a much broader instrument with more resources and a wider reach. It is a big task - but we are making good progress. At some point soon we will be piloting a portion of this work with different sized churches across the ACNA for refinement and feedback.”

The task force was generously hosted by the Diocese of the Carolinas, St. Phillips Charleston and St. Micheal’s Charleston. Both churches have a rich history in worship. St. Micheal’s raised the first boys choir in the US working with a church orphanage.

While in Charleston Bishop also Drew had the opportunity to greet ACNA church planters in a church planting conference led by Archbishop Steve Wood.