Fun & Bake Day Successful Outreach to Kids in Auburn, MA


On May 12, the baking team of Holy Trinity Church Auburn, led by Gladys Kadiri, brought together over 30 kids from within and beyond the corner of our community for a fun and bake day! The kids were allowed to bake for fun and then decorate and eat all their goodies.

This motivated them so much that they baked different flavors of cupcakes, from blueberry to chocolate chip and cranberry. They made upside-down pineapple cake, lemon cake, banana bread, and chicken sandwiches. Ooh! It was a lot of fun. And they enjoyed this activity. Guided by the baking team's lead they did an awesome job. While they were there, the baking team also made some delicious American and African meals for Mother’s Day Eve.

And all who attended enjoyed a plate of these tastes! There were outdoor games for the kids, and as described by the name, it was truly a Fun and Bake Day! This aims to bring us, as a community of believers to fellowship and do an outreach!

Bishop Andrew was filled with enthusiasm about this idea, saying, “I just love this ministry! So many times, we wonder how to reach young people or our communities. So often, the answer is to begin by inviting someone into something that we genuinely enjoy doing. This is exactly what Leah and Eliud have done. They have mobilized the church family in love of something that they truly enjoy – baking! Not only are they passing on a wonderful life skill, but shoulder to shoulder, at the kitchen counter with young people – here is the place where trusted friendship is made and the Holy Spirit can minister, across the generations. And then of course there is all the sharing and eating of the fruits of their baking labors. Growing in Jesus together and the grace of a really great piece of oven fresh cake! Does it get any better!!”