East Africa Mission Team Prepares to Return in August


Bishop Drew, Canon Leah Turner and Rev. Geoff Little will be returning to Uganda in August to join ADNE’s Ugandan Mission partner, Audrey Patra and members from her Love Unveiled team.

Bishop Drew and the ADNE team are graciously invited by Archbishop Stephen Kaziimba of Uganda to speak and lead a conference for all the clergy of Kampala Diocese and some from the neighboring diocese.

Audrey Patra has been working with the Archbishop’s staff to plan the conference. While they are in Uganda, the team will also have the privilege of traveling the 12-hour road trip from Kampala to West Uganda where they will see firsthand and officially commission ADNE’s completed, second water irrigation project: bringing fresh water to the rural Muhabura Diocese using new technology that harvests rainwater from rooftops in the short rainy season and then stores it in large containers that cleanse and hygienically store the water for use in the long dry months. 

Please be praying for this team as they prepare, and for those who will be blessed through their ministry.

The Rev. Geoff Little, Audrey Patra, and the Rev. Canon Leah Turner

Lord Jesus, you commanded us to make disciples of all nations: Bless all those who work together for the spread of the Gospel, especially this team from our diocese; make them faithful and true witnesses to proclaim your glorious Name. Send down the grace of the Holy Spirit upon all your people, that we may give cheerfully of our substance for the evangelization of the world, and that the light of your truth may shine brightly in every place. Hear us, O merciful Savior, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit live and reign, one God, world without end. Amen.