The Rev. Jen Keifer Ordained to the Priesthood


This photo taken by Bishop Drew

The Rev. Jennifer Keifer was ordained to the priesthood on Sunday, June 30 in Amesbury, MA at a sweet and powerful service officiated by Bishop Drew Williams, and attended by the Rev. Canon Tim Clayton, rector of Trinity North Shore (where Rev. Jen serves), the Rev. Martha Learned, and guest of honor, the Rev. Dr. David Currie.

The service was scheduled to take place at the diocesan cathedral of All Saints Church, but because of a small fire at the cathedral, plans had to be quickly changed. Thanks to the hard work of the team at Trinity North Shore, All Saints Cathedral, and the extraordinary generosity of our friends at St. Andre Bessette (the Catholic Church in Amesbury where Bishop Andrew was consecrated in 2019) the ordination went flawlessly. Rev. Jen and Eric Keifer blessed those gathered with a wonderful time of fellowship and a shared meal together.

We asked Rev. Jen to share a little bit about her experience - in the ordination discernment process and in the service itself. Here’s what she shared:

Nine years ago I had a powerful encounter with God. He gave me an image of a child enfolded in Jesus’ lap, her head resting on Jesus’ chest, Jesus’ cheek lovingly resting on her head, and His strong arms lovingly enfolding her. Through the image, I heard God inviting me to be that child, to receive His unconditional love, and to rest in the assurance of my belovedness in Him.

As I pressed into that invitation, I began to hear a new invitation: to go on an adventure with him into ministry to share His great love. The idea Holy Orders for me seemed preposterous, but I began timidly to share it with those who could help me discern. One of my spiritual mentors advised me to view the discernment process not as a means to an end – an evaluation of me as a potential priest –but rather as an invitation from God to walk a process in which He will affirm His great love for me, regardless of the outcome. Indeed, throughout these past four years of discernment, God has reminded me again and again that His love is at the heart of my call, and His love is the power in which I serve.

And so my ordination day was a day of great love. Bishop Andrew’s touching sermon, what I heard from the Holy Spirit at the laying on of hands, and what others heard for me that day all centered around God’s love. My role is simply to continue to be that beloved child in Jesus’ lap, to rest in His love, and now to exegete His heartbeat of incarnational love for all of His good creation. As the newest priest in our diocese, I am keenly aware how weighty is this Office to which I am called and how great is the treasure committed to my charge. I covet your prayers.

Bishop Drew added, “Rev. Jen caused a lot of excitement as she worked through the ADNE discernment process for ordination. There is a gentle strength in her heart that is so clearly Jesus. Jen has a lot of experience and passion in reaching the least, the lost and the last with the healing love of God. We are overjoyed to receive her as priest in the ADNE family.”

Be praying for the Rev. Jen as she lives into her ministry of building community through mission. Pray also for the congregation at Trinity North Shore where she serves.

All photos by Ian Drummond unless otherwise specified. See more photos by Ian below!