Ordinations & Confirmations at Imago Dei


On Saturday, November 9, Bishop Andrew Williams ordained the Rev. Amy Howard to the priesthood at Imago Dei Anglican Church. He was struck by how much Rev. Amy has already done in her life of ministry, which led to her current call as priest and an amazing spiritual household she helped to grow and sustain. The whole Imago family gathered together to celebrate this great accomplishment in the life of the Howard family.

On Sunday, Bishop Andrew confirmed nine people:

Patrick James Stevens
Molly McBreairty Stevens
Reita Joan Klein
Nancy Lee Morey
Anna Liu Morey
Brent G. DeLong
Brooks N. Linde
Colleen Dora Hing Linde

The testimonies from each the confirmands were powerful, with a consistent theme from each one being their reception of God’s love and their desire to give it away to others. Please keep these nine confirmands in prayer as they begin their journey of faith as confirmed Christians at Imago Dei.
