Ordination of Rev. Wendy Dixon to the Priesthood


Saturday, December, 14 witnessed the home church of Reverend Wendy Cole Dixon, Christ the Redeemer Danvers, Massachusetts, host and celebrate her Priestly Ordination.

Christ the Redeemer opened its doors in 2009 and continues to thrive under the leadership of Reverend Tim Clayton and his faithful, gifted team of clergy and leaders drawn from the church family. Reverend Tim commented, “I am so delighted to have Wendy serving as a priest at Christ the Redeemer. Wendy has a profound gift of discernment and spiritual direction, and an important role – especially in counsel with women. Wendy brings joy and creativity and a sense of deep faith to us.”

Christ the Redeemer is deeply committed to its calling: to share the boundless, transforming love of Jesus Christ in their worship, their relationships, and their joyful, generous, and wise use of all God’s gifts. Following Jesus with an emphasis on Word, Sacrament, and Spirit, they root their doctrine and teaching in the Bible seeking to grow in knowledge and understanding that God is present in our daily lives, touching us as individuals as we seek to respond faithfully to His call to serve. In just this way, a full church witnessed a service of ordination that was led by Bishop Andrew and distinguished by God’s presence and great joy.

Worship was led by Daniel McKinley and Michael Pritzl and members of Rev. Wendy’s family read and presented her with vestments. Bishop Andrew addressed Rev. Wendy and the church family on the subject of Godly ambition. With reference to theologian and writer John Stott he shared, “In the end, just as there are only two kinds of piety, the self-centered and the God-centered, so there are only two kinds of ambition: one can be ambitious for oneself or for God. There is no third alternative.”

With reference to the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) he added, “God’s ambition for your life is so much bigger than anything you can dream up. There is something inherently inappropriate about cherishing small ambition for God. God’s ambition for you is to give you His Kingdom! (Luke 12:32).”

Reverend Wendy will continue to serve the church family at Christ the Redeemer as priest. Bishop Andrew encouraged her, “Wendy, you are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand. You are here by Divine Providence. You are called to do what you do. To become more and more like Jesus every day is to become more of the person God uniquely created you to be. When He made you, He broke the mold! Don’t try to be like any other person that Jesus has made. Be you, Wendy. Be fully you in the fullness of God’s great ambition for you, for the sake of others!”
