500 Gather for Zoom Vigil following Death of George Floyd

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Approximately 500 people from more than eight states and many nations gathered on Monday, June 1 to pray and hold vigil in the wake of the recent death of George Floyd, a victim of police brutality.

Reverend Amos Kimera, rector of St. Peter’s Belmont, organized and hosted this vigil with Bishop Andrew Williams and his wife Elena leading. 

The vigil began with an opening prayer from Rev. Ezekiel Kafeero of St. Paul’s Church Waltham, who prayed that by God’s Spirit we would be salt and light in our communities and nation. Following this, young people from Kenya and Uganda shared and prayed from the heart. In addition, we are grateful that Stoneham Selectwoman Caroline Colarusso was able to join the vigil and prayed very passionately for us as a Diocese.

Bishop Andrew shared God’s Word and ended with an exhortation: We are called to love louder. We are called to pray harder. We must not allow the evil in this world to overcome our trust in Jesus and in each other and in the hope that is set before us. In Jesus this hope is possible.

Bishop Andrew then led the diocese in prayers of confession and commitment to each other in the fight against racism and injustice.

Pastor Samuel Mutyaba of New Life Ministries, Rev. Eliud Mwangi of St. John’s Sutton, and Bishop Andrew prayed over those attending and over all of New England, symbolically lighting a candle to symbolize our commitment to stand together to bear the light of Christ in troubled days.  

Intercessions were led by members of the diocese from Sudan, Kenya, including Ven. Dorcas Albrect, and Uganda, including Ven. Alex Kasirye-Musoke. It was a gift to have Ven. Alex with us after his long recovery from COVID-19. He thanked the Anglican family up and down New England for their constant prayers.

The recording of the Prayer Vigil can be found at: https://youtu.be/YOagc1V9dJk or watched below.