Anglican Church of the Redeemer Fills Franklin with Praise


On Sunday, June 14th Anglican Church of the Redeemer in Franklin, MA led by Reverend Canon Dan Sylvia had their first open-air service at Hayward Manor.

Anglican Church of the Redeemer actually began at Hayward Manor before moving to their current location in the Moseley Mills Business complex in Franklin. However, for years the Hayward Manor, which is positioned in the center of town and across from the town common and adjacent to Dean College, remained on the hearts of the Redeemer family. Through continued prayer and incredible generosity this family that represents 15 different towns and communities recently purchased this property to be used as a co-work space and future site of regional and local ministry.

With clear skies and warm temperatures, the Hayward Manor lawn was filled with members and guests. As the service began, the sounds of motorcycles filled the town as the Massachusetts chapter of Black Sheep Harley-Davidsons for Christ led by Justin and Tammilyn Elerath entered the Manor parking lot to join in worship.


Speakers reverberated as the Redeemer worship team ignited Spirit-led praise heard throughout Franklin. Following this, Rev. Cn. Brian Bethke, Canon Missioner, preached a message entitled “Gospel Reset” that focused on embracing the whole-life truth of the gospel in order to bring reawakening and enduring hope.  Canon Bethke finished his message by reminding the Redeemer Church family, “We often read Matthew 9:37-38 which says,  ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;  therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.’ And we pray for laborers for the reawakening of New England. Can I encourage and challenge you all that YOU ARE THOSE LABORERS!!!.”


He then finished by commissioning them as everyday missionaries proclaiming,
“You go nowhere by accident.  Wherever you go, God is sending you there. 
Wherever you are, God has put you there.  He has a purpose in your being there.
Christ, who lives in you, has something He wants to do through you, wherever you are.
Believe this, and go in His grace, and love, and power.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Rev. Cn. Dan Sylvia commented on the day stating, “Given the last few months, I cannot adequately explain the joy we felt at being together, and being together here! This was in many ways both a familiar homecoming to the Manor and a new day of embarking outward on ministry in our networks and neighborhoods. We are praying for all of the unique opportunities the Lord will open up to us as we faithfully answer his call for our parish to joyfully worship God in all of life! Praise be to God!”


[1] Halverson Benediction, The Rev. Dr. Richard C. Halverson, US Senate Chaplain