Alpha at All Saints: Gathering Online Brings People to Jesus

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All Saints Church is on a mission to bring people to Jesus . . . and a pandemic won’t stop them.

Last Thursday, Rev. Canon Justin Howard, rector of All Saints Church encouraged the All Saints community with fresh vision, saying, “no one could have predicted the events of 2020 . . . but one of the things that hasn’t been thrown into the air is our commitment to Jesus . . . We need to see this season not as a season of challenge only but as an opportunity for breakthrough.”

This isn’t just talk. All Saints recently finished their first round of Alpha Online, and while the new format wasn’t without its challenges, those who attended saw Kingdom breakthrough. Deacon Martha Learned shared, “We saw the transformation on people's faces as they experienced both the love of God for them and His love flowing through the hosts, helpers and intercessors to them. One guest said . . . as I listened to you speak about your experience of God healing you I realized: God really does heal today!" He said it went from an intellectual exercise to a knowing of this truth in his heart. Awe and wonder showed in his eyes and in the broad smile on his face. We saw the Lord drawing people with loving-kindness into relationship with Jesus. We saw people move from being strangers in week one to close friends sharing contact information by week ten so they can develop their relationships.”


Rev. Canon Justin isn’t surprised. “Alpha online is COVID-proof. It has provided us with a time-tested approach to evangelization by hospitality and judgment-free conversation. You can't go wrong with Alpha.”

The Alpha Course is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith, typically meeting weekly for eleven weeks. Each talk looks at a different faith related question and is designed to create conversation. While the Alpha Course typically involves a meal and gathering in homes, this year Alpha Online was released - a way to offer hospitality, build relationships, and explore faith in a group gathered via Zoom.

Not only did guests attend, they were left wanting more. Because of the enthusiasm, All Saints is offering an introductory study of Ephesians on zoom to help Alpha guests develop their relationships with Jesus and to begin grounding them in the Scriptures.

One thing is clear: All Saints is just getting started. The church is already praying for those they will invite to the next round of Alpha Online, beginning on September 23. As Rev. Canon Justin said, “Alpha is going to be a way of life.”

For more information on All Saints Church and their upcoming round of Alpha Online, visit: