Mission to Uganda 2022

In August 2022, a team from the Anglican Diocese in New England traveled to Uganda. Their primary mission was to serve with Love Unveiled Ministries, preaching and demonstrating the love of God among the people (and children) of Uganda, while also serving local clergy and parishes throughout the country. This trip was largely made possible by the work and connections of the Rev. Canon Leah Turner, head of the Every Tribe and Nation Network, and the leadership of Audrey Patra at Love Unveiled Ministries.

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Kingdom: Equipping the Church to Minister in Love & Power

There is a movement happening in the Church in New England right now. The Lord is raising up everyday believers – farmers, tradesmen, engineers, retirees, business executives, stay-at-home moms, professors, and college students alike – to not merely fill pews or run programs, but to minister to others in the power of the Holy Spirit; to see bodies healed, emotions rightly ordered, captives set free, relationships restored, and lives transformed. The Kingdom of God is coming near.

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ADNE Youth Mission Serves 100+ Children of Portland

This summer, ADNE’s student ministry partnered with Rise Church and Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) in Portland, Maine to help lead an evangelistic sports camp for kids as a part of the ADNE summer mission trip. On an early July morning, students and adults start filling the bleachers and turf field of Portland Fitzpatrick Stadium eager to greet 100+ kids, and even more eager to play soccer, basketball, football, field hockey, and track and field…

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Putting the Pieces Together: How One Quilter is Sharing God's Love with Rescued Women

“God takes all these broken pieces of our lives and he puts them back together. It doesn’t look like what the fabric used to look like, but he puts the pieces together so our lives can become these beautiful works of art that reflect his beauty and his goodness.” While Jennifer has been quilting for 20 years, in the last five years she found a way to unite her artistic background and joy of quilting with a mission she is passionate about: she has personally made or funded 30 quilts donated to women and girls rescued from trafficking.

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To Go to the Deepest Place with God: Canon Susie's Story & The Gift of Spiritual Direction

The Anglican Diocese in New England continues to grow each year, adding to our family new believers and those from other denominations. As Anglicans, we strongly encourage devotional practices that help Christians grow in their faith such as personal prayer and Bible reading. However, there are other practices that are perhaps lesser-known but of great importance to Christian formation nonetheless. Today we want to introduce you to one of those practices called spiritual direction and to the story of Rev. Cn. Dr. Susan “Susie” Skillen, our Canon for Spiritual Formation.

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A Passion for Teaching: Karon's Story & How to Join CTR’s Next Bible Study for Women

“Many people don’t know how to study the Bible. We assume they do, especially if they grew up in the Church or have been in the Church for years, but they often don’t. We have to take the time to teach them how to rightly handle God’s Word.”

For some leaders, this may be a discouraging realization, but for Karon Williamson who shared those words, it is a motivating reality full of great potential and purpose and the driving force behind her mission to teach women how to study the Bible – a mission she describes as, “my favorite thing in the world.”

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Blessing Families & Training Missionaries Through Kids' Sports Camps

In their first year of planting Rise Church in Portland, the Rev. Dan and Carrie Wolf were asking a simple question, “God, how can we bless and serve our neighbors?” As they met other young families in their neighborhood and at local playgrounds, their hearts were struck by the toll that the pandemic was taking on both parents and children… So they began to pray and discern if God might be calling them to run a local sports camp for kids over the summer to serve and connect with parents and give kids a positive way to learn basic skills while meeting friends.

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Rev. Dan Wolf
The 2021 Reawakening Conference

On the morning of October 8, just under 200 delegates (including 80 clergy) from all over New England gathered at Northpoint Bible College in Haverhill, MA for the ADNE’s 2021 Reawakening Conference.

The two years following the ADNE’s 2019 Synod have seemed long and tumultuous for many of our churches in New England. Last year, the diocese gathered on the lawn of Gordon-Conwell Seminary for an outdoor morning worship service, but this year, Bishop Andrew wanted to provide a more comprehensive opportunity to not only worship and fellowship together as a family of churches, but to invest in our region’s lay people and clergy - those on the front lines - by providing more scriptural teaching, prayer ministry, and practical equipping over two days.

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Redemption in the Spotlight: The Transforming Arts Ministry of Imago Stage Company

“Lord, how do you want me to use this new energy in my life?” prayed Tess McKinley… At first, the experienced actress, director, and teacher was afraid to even acknowledge the answer. She reflected, “do you ever have a desire so deep and precious you dare not speak it?” For Tess, that desire was to create a redemptive theater company that would produce classic works that share the Gospel story without preaching it; a welcoming theater where both the churched and unchurched could encounter redemption through the arts.

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A Place of Healing: The Missional Vision Beyond a Community Brewery

“Each time we had sixty people show up to our home. We were welcoming new people, hearing people’s stories, and getting the chance to pray for people outside the church.” explained Trevor Gordon of St. Albans, Maine and leader at Imago Dei Anglican Church.

He wasn’t talking about a Bible study, small group, or Alpha course he ran; he was talking about his beer tastings.

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The Chosen Family: How a Weekly Meal in Attleboro is Transforming Lives

Two years ago Lori Taylor found herself needing a family to pray with her and support her. Today, weekly dinners in her home allow others to redeem the idea of family in a healing community. The sense of family is what really defines the unlikely group: they call themselves “The Chosen Family.” Lori explains, “no one in our core group grew up in Christian families; we’ve all come from very challenging backgrounds, but we call it the Chosen Family because we get to choose this family… none of us got to choose the families we were born into, but here we choose to show up, to be there for one another, to really love each other!”

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New Vision, Strategy Emerges from Missional Planning Conference

Earlier this month, over 50 clergy and lay leaders from across New England gathered to dream, strategize, and collaborate together at the ADNE’s first Missional Planning Conference. This two-day event was offered for leading clergy of our churches and missions along with 1-2 of their key assisting leaders to answer the two questions: what is God’s vision for the church He has called us to lead, and how shall we put His vision into action?

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New Church Launches on Boston’s North Shore

On Trinity Sunday, the ADNE celebrated the launch of our newest church, Trinity North Shore. This community, led by the Rev. Cn. Tim Clayton, is eager to be on the North Shore for the North Shore. Canon Tim explains, “we want to be a church that meets the world embodying the incarnation of Jesus, choosing to walk into the pain and the valid questions of the world… [knowing] the answer to the world’s questions is found in the person and work of Jesus.”

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The ADNE Welcomes the Rev. Laura Peckham

The Anglican Diocese in New England is glad to welcome the Rev. Laura Peckham as a new resident priest. Rev. Laura comes to the ADNE after nearly 10 years of ordained ministry and decades of service to her local parish and community, from leading small groups to starting a clothing bank ministry in the Augusta area. Since becoming a Christian as a young adult, Rev. Laura’s passion has been to read, study, and discuss the Scriptures, a passion that ultimately led her to the Anglican Church in North America.

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St. Nicholas House: A New Vision for the Children of Brookline, NH

Rev. Brian Barry wasn’t looking to start a new chapter of life and ministry, but in late 2019, the assistant rector of Christ the Redeemer, Danvers received a new and unexpected invitation to dream. He describes the experience as, “we went from exercising contentment to having permission to imagine something else.” The result of that dreaming is what the Barrys have discerned to be their purpose in Brookline: “inviting children into a joy-filled, healing environment where every child may know what it means to be deeply treasured and freely loved by this house of hospitality and prayer.”

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Christian School Overcomes Obstacles to Continue Quality Education

For Rev. Geoff and Blanca Little, navigating their church through Covid-19 was only half the battle; this ministry couple has done an exceptional job leading their school through the educational challenges a pandemic poses to children and families of New Haven, CT. All Nations Christian Academy, now in its fourteenth year of providing inner-city, low-income families with the opportunity for high-quality private Christian education, has maintained an enrollment of just under 30 elementary-age students this academic year…

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Rev. Leah Turner Appointed New Director of the Every Tribe and Nation Network

When asked about the partnership between the Every Tribe and Nation Network and the ADNE, Rev. Leah’s passion came through: “We live it!” she exclaimed, “We live it because the ADNE has been willing to live as the Church of Christ, and to open their hearts and doors to our East African brothers and sisters…. New England in many ways has become a model for the province for how to integrate ethnic churches into the life of the diocese and value the distinctions they bring to us.””

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