Innovative "Digital Mission Trip" Helps New Church Plant Launch Their Mission

Every day fifty-five people from around the country stop and pray for Rise Church – a new ADNE church plant – and the people of Portland, Maine, at 10:02 a.m. That time of day harkens to Luke 10:02 where Jesus instructs his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest fields.” In the fall of 2020, God answered this prayer for laborers in an unexpected and exciting way.

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Finding Good News in 2020: A Year-in-Review

In his devotional for January 1, Bishop Andrew Williams began 2020 by quoting poet Minnie Louise Haskins, “‘And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: ‘Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.’ And he replied: ‘Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.’” When we passed through that gate into a new year of mission and ministry, we could not have foreseen the many circumstances and challenges that would face us, but as we look back over the last 12 months, we can see the truth: the Hand of God did lead us, protect us, comfort us, and unite us…

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New Music Emerging from Dandelion Ministries

Only recently Revs Sean and Kate Norris planted Dandelion Ministries on Long Island to be a place of retreat, sabbatical, recovery, and incubator of new ministries. As artist missionaries, they find that using their gifts in art and music allows them to go deep with people to where the real pain lies, and allows them to speak God’s word of radical grace and hope there. Already songs are emerging from that ministry: One for You and Stop All the Fighting. Listen here…

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Synod 2020: The Upward Call

In the midst of these unprecedented times faced by our churches, our nation, and the world, Synod 2020: The Upward Call challenged the Anglican Diocese in New England to recenter on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to press into its mission for the reawakening of New England. On Saturday, September 26, an eager team of volunteers assembled in the early morning while mist still hung in the air to transform a grassy, sloping lawn on the campus of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary into a beautiful outdoor cathedral…

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Virtual VBS a Resounding Success for St. John's Sutton

Vacation Bible School always involves a great deal of organization, creativity, and energy from the leaders, but this year despite facing the added challenge of not being able to bring the children together in one space, St. John’s organized and conducted a very successful virtual VBS via Zoom in which 72 children participated with their parents! The theme of the week, based on Proverbs 22:6, was “The Hidden Treasure,” and was led by Rev. Eliud Mwangi and his wife Leah, Mary Sutton, and their team of volunteers.

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A New Ministry on Long Island

Revs. Sean and Kate Norris had a vision in 2007 to establish a community where others who are experiencing deep pain and are unable to experience an authentic life in Christ could experience that radical grace… Now, these many years later, having completed seminary, been ordained, planted a church, and served in a large parish, they feel the Lord telling them it is time to act on that vision.

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Bishop Andrew addresses Annual United Nations prayer breakfast

Bishop Andrew will be addressing members of the United Nations this week at the United Nation’s annual Prayer Breakfast on September 15 as the United Nations celebrates seventy-five years of global service. Bishop Andrew commented, “It was a great honor to be with the UN delegates in December 2019 at their annual Christmas Dinner, hosted by the Christian Embassy. I was delighted that they invited me back!”

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Scattered and Gathered in Maine: How Imago Dei Church Embraced a New Rhythm with Mission Potential

Rev. Steve Hoskins, rector of Imago Dei Anglican Church in Bangor, Maine lifted his hands and blessed the dozens gathered for worship and Eucharist at the city waterfront park. This moment had special significance for him: it was the first time in three months he saw most of his parish together in one place since becoming rector in early June. But that didn’t mean the church hadn’t been gathering . . .

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Alpha at All Saints: Gathering Online Brings People to Jesus

All Saints Church is on a mission to bring people to Jesus … and a pandemic won’t stop them. Rev. Canon Justin Howard recently encouraged his congregation with fresh vision, saying, “no one could have predicted the events of 2020, but one of the things that hasn’t been thrown into the air is our commitment to Jesus… we need to see this season not as a season of challenge only but as an opportunity for breakthrough. This isn’t just talk. All Saints recently finished their first round of Alpha Online…

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Boston Fellows Accepting New Applicants!

The Boston Fellows, a service organization of the ADNE, is receiving new applications for fall 2020. This is a nine-month program for professionals in the Boston area seeking to cultivate the insights and spiritual habits necessary for meaningful vocation within a cohort of peers, spiritual leaders, and professional mentors through the local church. If you know someone who might thrive in this program, encourage them to apply!

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Rev. Steven Hoskins joins the ADNE as Rector of Imago Dei Anglican Church

Imago Dei Anglican Church in Bangor, Maine is excited to welcome a new rector, the Rev. Steven Hoskins, after a nine-month interim season. Rev. Steve is “humbled and excited to move from the mountain country of Colorado northward to come alongside the ADNE and Imago Dei to pursue transformation and revival in New England and to participate in the restoration of all things.”

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