“Stations of the Cross” Art Open House Deeply Impacts St Timothy’s Community
The experience of Good Friday this year was deeply enriched by a new initiative at St. Timothy Anglican Church in Williston, VT. Our congregation spends the evening of Good Friday in worship with other churches in a collaborative effort, but this year we wanted to create a space for contemplation within our normal sanctuary space. We created a “Stations of the Cross” Art Open House to offer this space.
At the beginning of Lent, we invited any artists, of any level, from the congregation to choose one of the Scriptural Stations of the Cross…
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From Sea to Shining Sea (Article Link)
The following is an excerpt of an article written by Ernie Didot from The Apostle Magazine, an official publication of the Anglican Church in North America
Katherine Lee Bates’ poem, “America The Beautiful,” is best known for being set to music and popularly performed at public sporting events in the United States. In it, she celebrates the grandeur of American geography and resources: “And crown thy good with brotherhood / From sea to shining sea.”
Two church parishes in the Anglican Church in North America, located in port cities on opposite coasts, richly blessed with the bounty of natural resources like salmon and lobster, have received unexpected blessings this past year in the form of church buildings and property…
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The Lord Being My Helper: The Diaconal Ordination of Jennifer Keifer and Jeff Wojcicki
On what was almost certainly, the last breath of a late summer, on a perfectly still day that reached 83 degrees – the sun shone through the golden fall foliage, surrounding All Saints Cathedral, and lit up a full church that had assembled to pray for and witness the diaconal ordination of Jeff Wojcicki and Jennifer Kiefer.
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A Nonstop Encounter with Generosity: The 2023 Reawakening Conference
If I had to choose one word to describe Reawakening 2023 it would be generosity. There was a deep sense of generosity in every aspect of the weekend. This was felt almost instantly the moment the worship team began to play Goodness of God. The Spirit of the Lord was so generously present in that place…
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Holy Trinity Auburn Celebrates One Year of Ministry
Holy Trinity Auburn celebrated their first birthday on the 3rd of September. The celebrations began with a legendary Kenyan BBQ where a dozen or more grills filled the field adjacent to the church and kept everyone well fed with excellent Kenyan dishes – of course including goat, prepared and grilled to perfection. Sack races and other fun activities kept everyone entertained. Such was the crowd, some members of the church family had to rush out for extra celebratory blue t-shirts so that every member of this growing congregation could be properly attired!
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“Deep Refreshing & Revelation” The 2023 Missional Planning Summit
“This year’s Missional Planning Summit felt like a mastermind session with church leaders from around the ADNE retreating for two days of dreaming and strategizing. The Lord knit the groups together in such a way that churches across the Diocese were able to dream, encourage, support, and equip one another. At the end of two days, each church left with a Spirit-filled plan that will make the transformative and empowering love of Jesus Christ known in their community.”
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Miracle in Portland: Dan Wolf Installed as Rise Church is Blessed with Building, Congregation in Merger
When Reverend Dan Wolf and his family first moved to Portland in July 2020, they sensed that Isaiah 61:3-4 was going to be a significant Scripture for them and the church they were called to plant. Dan recalls, “God was calling us to plant a church with roots deep in the Lord and in the heart of the city of Portland. But we had no idea how God would accomplish this, especially in the challenging post-Christian context in the middle of a pandemic. We set out on mission to build relationships with neighbors and co-workers and slowly built a team who wanted to learn how to follow Jesus on mission. As the newly minted “Rise Church”, we stepped out in faith and sought to make disciples, trusting that God would build his church...
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Rev. Ben Giuffrida Installed as Rector of Church of the Apostles in Coventry, RI
On Sunday, June 4 Bishop Andrew Williams traveled to the southeastern shore of New England to formally install the Rev. Ben Guiffrida as rector of Church of the Apostles in Coventry, RI. Church of the Apostles is a parish that we’ve only just recently welcomed into the ADNE. Bishop Andrew spoke to the church’s journey as an experience of homecoming, saying, “This has been such a sovereignly ordained moment. The Lord has led the Church of the Apostles to take the place that He has prepared for them in the Anglican Diocese in New England. And as we have come together it really has been a wonderful family reunion. It has felt a little bit like discovering that you have a long-lost brother or sister that you were unaware of but rejoice to be reunited with. And in this glorious moment of restoration, we recognize all our shared family resemblances and heritage in Jesus.”
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Boston Fellows Ends Year on a High Note
The Boston Fellows finished the year with our final Spiritual Formation Weekend in the woods at Gordon College. Studying God’s Word on aging and death, the age to come, the New Jerusalem with the Lamb as the light; sleeping in tents or on the ground or in a hammock; eating, laughing and enjoying conversation around picnic tables; toasting marshmallows over the grill, under a tent, in the pouring rain; and taking on the challenge of the high ropes course at the LaVida outdoor center. We truly ended on a high note, with people climbing telephone poles, navigating wires, or working together to climb up an obstacle course….
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A Little Taste of Home for Everyone: A New ADNE Church with a Welcome for All Nations
On April 30th, Bishop Andrew visited Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity in Auburn, led by Rev. Eliud and his wife Leah. During the service, five ladies were admitted into the Mother’s Union and sixteen men were admitted into the Men’s fellowship. Bishop Andrew remarked, “This is a wonderful and effective piece of leadership development bringing many people into the mission and values of the church and the ADNE.”
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“A Spiritual Stronghold That Can Immobilize the Strongest of Leaders” – Bishop Trevor Walters leads Powerful Seminar on Conflict Resolution
Bishop Trevor Walters led an outstanding one-day seminar on conflict resolution for ADNE Clergy, Wardens, and Vestries on Saturday, May 5th. Bishop Trevor is passionate about bringing peace to the Church through conflict mediation, and the engaging seminar covered a broad range of topics including early response strategies, conflict investigation, and multiple practical strategies for conflict resolution.
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Rev. Art Peters to Lead Trip to the Holy Land February 2024
Rev. Art Peters, priest in charge at The Church of the Holy Spirit, in Granville, NY, will be leading a trip to Israel from February 12-22, 2024, to share with fellow believers this marvelous and beautiful country.
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7th Seed Retreat Center: A Hub of Mission, Retreat and Renewal in the Heart of Vermont’s Green Mountains
During his visit to St Timothy’s, Bishop Andrew enjoyed the exceptional hospitality of the 7th Seed Retreat Center, a learning and farming community in the heart of the Green Mountains of Vermont led by St. Timothy congregants, Sten and Amy Bowen. Launched in 2021, 7th Seed not only provides a perfect setting to retreat, restore and rejuvenate but is putting their faith into action through outreach to youth and those facing food-insecurity.
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Bishop Andrew Ordains Two Vocational Deacons at All Saints Cathedral
On April 1st, following the spring meetings of the Diocesan Discernment Committee, Bishop Andrew ordained Scott Purswell and Molly Holleran as vocational deacons at All Saints Cathedral... Deacon Scott will serve at All Saints Cathedral, where he has been a leader for 18 years. Deacon Molly will continue to serve at Brownsville Community Church in Brownsville VT, where she has been an active leader since 2020.
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The Ven. Michael Kafeero Installed as New Archdeacon of Ugandan Churches in the ADNE
Sunday March 12th witnessed an extraordinary service of celebration, thanksgiving and an outpouring of love and unity as Venerable Michael Kafeero was installed as Archdeacon of ADNE’s thriving Ugandan Archdeaconry. St. Paul’s Waltham overflowed with worshippers as members of the ADNE East African community came together to celebrate this historic moment. (Still image taken from Jamo Productions)
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First “Wardens Day” Empowers & Encourages Local Leaders Around the ADNE
On Saturday, March 11, Canon Ross, and Diocesan Coach, Josh Vanada, led an informative and empowering training session for the ADNE’s Senior and Junior Wardens. The inaugural event welcomed church leaders from all over the ADNE, from as far away as Delaware, to All Saints Anglican Cathedral in Amesbury, MA…
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Bishop Andrew and Rev. Sean Norris Lead a Healing Conference at St. Michael’s Charleston, South Carolina
Bishop Andrew and Rev. Sean Norris were invited as the keynote speakers at the March Healing Conference at St. Michaels Church in Charleston, South Carolina. This was St. Michael’s 90th Healing Conference and Bishop Drew and Sean centered their teaching around the Lord’s desire to heal us of shame. Over the course of the day Bishop Andrew and Sean taught and ministered together in partnership with St. Michael’s experienced and anointed prayer ministry team.
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Rev. Cn. Paul Githinji Installed as New Canon for East African Mission
Sunday, February 12th marked an historic moment in the life of the Anglican Diocese of New England when Bishop Andrew traveled to Delaware to install The Reverend Paul Thuo Githinji as Canon for East African Mission for the ADNE.
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Rev. Brian Chase Installed as Rector of Christ the redeemer, Danvers
Bishop Andrew formally installed Christ the Redeemer’s new Rector, The Reverend Brian Chase, at a beautifully prepared Eucharistic service at Christ the Redeemer in Danvers on Sunday, February 5th.
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EMERGE Youth Retreat Equips Students to Grow in Their Faith
This fall, high school students and their leaders from across the diocese went on a retreat held at Toah Nipi Retreat Center in New Hampshire. The theme of the weekend was “Emerge” with talks and workshops focused on how discipleship begins with the heart and moves out from there. Rev. Canon Craig Vickerman encouraged students to consider what it means to follow Jesus as a disciple: to spend time with Jesus, to become like Jesus, and to do what Jesus did…
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